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Element 3 - Support to Member States
Start date: 10/11/2024Duration: 24 MonthsThe proposed project seeks to develop a GNSS interference testbed for autonomous mobility including a methodology for testing and certifying GNSS interference with focus on jamming and spoofing threats. The current project will encompass the development of GNSS interference test scenarios, test and set-ups, testing executions, analysis of test results. The outcome of the project will be a…
Prime contractor
Start date: 21/10/2024Duration: 18 MonthsReliable and uninterrupted access to satellite navigation data is nowadays a key element for various branches of economy, security and safety. At the same time, GNSS systems are not 100% reliable and the issue of interference (both unintentional and intentional) affecting their operation is becoming more and more significant – especially in current geo-political situation. That is why a constant…
Name: Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
Country: Poland
Start date: 21/10/2024Duration: 10 MonthsFollowing publication of the UK's first PNT Policy Framework to ensure resilience in its PNT infrastructure, NLAI will provide strategic support to the UKSA and the National PNT Office by updating key policy input sources to the SOTA (State-Of-The-Art) assessment, used to support business cases, decisions, planning, and preparedness actions. SPARK will undertake a review of the current PNT…
Start date: 16/07/2024Duration: 18 MonthsDevelopment of a broadband RDF receiver and antenna system for noise and interference mapping covering the HF to UHF bands so including GNSS bands. Each receiver will include edge computing for signature analysis and compression and will be networked to a central location for heat mapping of the noise and interference sources taking inputs form large numbers of receivers. The engineering is…
Start date: 10/06/2024Duration: 6 MonthsThe UPDATE project will serve to define requirements, architecture and a development plan for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of a UK National PNT Digital Twin Environment (DTE). The MVP will meet the immediate needs of the UK Government with respect to delivery of its Policy Framework for Greater PNT Resilience (10-point plan). It will provide data in support of the development of business cases…
Start date: 06/03/2024Duration: 12 MonthsThe I-MASTER project aims to design and develop on a fresh water volcanic lake a National Test Range to test and validate by using self-propelled unmanned large sized surface ship models devices, subsystems, apparatuses, and procedures (data fusion, AI, rules and regulations) for MASS operations.
Prime contractor
Name: CNR-INM (Italian National Research Council - Institute for Marine Engineering)
Country: Italy
Start date: 26/09/2023Duration: 12 MonthsFollowing the Dutch studies on GNSS vulnerabilities IKUS-I and IKUS-II, it was found that GNSS knowledge within organizations from the Dutch Critical Infrastructure sectors requires to be deepened and distributed. To protect Critical Infrastructure during their operations, there is a clear need to be aware of what GNSS is, what the dependencies including the risks are for an organisation and how…
Name: Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) National Aerospace Laboratory
Country: Netherlands
Start date: 01/09/2023Duration: 30 MonthsThis objective of the ARLI project is to develop an autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that can supply municipalities with a digital twin of the city. The digital twin is to be continuously updated and will serve as a tool for detection and planning of several service- and maintenance related task. In the project, a UGV will be integrated with a LiDAR sensor, that makes accurate 3D…
Prime contractor
Name: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Country: Denmark
Start date: 12/02/2023Duration: 18 MonthsThe main aim of RIPTIDE_PHASE_2 follows the strategic view identified in the first RIPTIDE project and targets the continuation of the development of a resilient PNT solution dedicated to the particularities of the Black Sea and Danube Lower Basin region, to cover a national need of resilient PNT tailored to address a sensitive region of Romania and of the EU. It therefore aims at achieving the…
Prime contractor
Name: Romanian Maritime Hydrographic Directorate
Country: Romania
Start date: 05/10/2021Duration: 30 MonthsUK Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) is at significant risk from the loss of access to GNSS for PNT. LF systems such as eLoran can provide a highly robust complement to GNSS. An eLoran transmitter can serve applications hundreds of miles away but the accuracy of the time transfer depends on the radio propagation (at ground level) between the transmitter and the receiver. At levels of…