Politecnico di Torino - Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Politecnico di Torino - Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Politecnico di Torino is the oldest school of engineering in Italy and it is now one of the largest and qualified Italian academic institution in the engineering fields. The NAVigation Signal Analysis and Simulation team of PoliTo is working since several years on the navigation systems and they have a relevant experience in the design of GNSS receivers, advanced signal processing for multipath mitigation, as well as studies on countermeasures to GNSS interference (unintentional and intentional) and spoofing. The NavSAS expertise in communications acquired along many years of research is applied to the navigation field focusing on signals/channels management and simulation, definition of innovative algorithms for user receiver, design of terrestrial and stratospheric augmentations. Particular effort devoted to the definition and study of integrated communication and navigation systems.

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