

Eurecom is a French graduate school and research center located in the Sophia Antipolis Technopole in the South of France. EURECOM brings together international companies and universities through its specific administrative structure: Economic Interest Group (kind of consortium). EURECOM has an approximate budget of 11.2 million Euros of which 6.3 million are from research contracts. It has some 150 employees among which 126 are scientists (25 professors, 26 engineers, 75 PhD. students).

EURECOM deploys its expertise around three major fields: Digital security, Data Science and Communication systems. The Communications System Department has its focus on digital signal processing for mobile communications, information theory, 5th generation cellular radio systems, wireless protocols, mobile ad hoc networks, software radios, and SW and HW prototyping. In addition to fundamental research, the department has strong expertise in open-architecture multiway real- time radio platforms for use in publicly-funded research projects aiming at demonstrating innovations at all protocols layers (RF to applications), and founded the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance ( which federates a worldwide community of developers providing open-source solutions for 3GPP radio-access and core network procedures.

Point of contact
Director: Ulrich Finger,
Communication: Laurence Grammare,
Project lead: Florian Kaltenberger.

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