Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC)

Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC)

L’Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) or French Civil Aviation University is a French Scientific, Cultural and Professional Public establishment under the supervision of the French Ministry of transport. ENAC was created in 1949 in Paris and moved its main campus to Toulouse in 1968. ENAC is characterized by a unique combination of scientific excellence and technical and operational expertise, as well as experimental means covering all areas of civil aviation.
The ENAC research laboratory is structured into three research teams composed of more 200 researchers aiming for scientific excellence; the "Interactive Computing" team, the "Optimization" team and the "Telecommunications" team. The TELECOM Research Team was created in 2011 and is the result of the grouping of research axis in signal processing, in electromagnetism and in networks. The team is organized around an application theme which is the study of telecommunications systems in the broad sense as defined in Annex 10 of the ICAO (communication, navigation, surveillance), consistent, on the one hand, with the field of excellence of ENAC and, on the other hand, with the concerns of DGAC (Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile).
The SIGnal processing and NAVigation (SIGNAV) research axis of the TELECOM team is the contributor to the proposal. SIGNAV was created in 1993 and has since then acquired a recognized expertise on the general field of GNSS. The SIGNAV research axis focuses on two main scientific themes, Signals for Navigation and Communication, and Robust Navigation. Moreover, the SIGNAV research axis is oriented towards 2 fields of application, GNSS for Civil Aviation, and Urban and Peri-urban Navigation. Finally, the SIGNAV research axis has established several collaborations along the years: support to standardization of the use of GNSS for civil aviation – Contribution in several working groups EUROCAE WG62, EU/US WGC, ICAO NSP, RTCA SC-159, participation to European projects with European funding (the axis is part of European consortiums with various types of partners, big European groups, SMEs or universities), and academic exchanges related to ENAC Engineering programs and Master GNSS with, for example, University of Calgary in Canada, DLR in Germany, ENRI in Japan, University of New South Wales in Australia.

Point of contact
Ennio Borgna: – AURORA Project Manager
Administrative/Legal contact: Florence LAPORTERIE-DEJEAN (
Technical/Scientific contact : Axel GARCIA PEÑA (

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