Municipality of Aarhus

Municipality of Aarhus

Aarhus is the second largest city of Denmark, with a population of more than 336,000 inhabitants. It is the centre of "Greater Aarhus", which has a population of approx. 1.2 million people. Aarhus Municipality has approx. 30,000 employees. Being a part of the 100 cn&sc-mission and the European Digital Innovation Hub, the municipality is committed to ensuring safety, sustainability and support for good living conditions for each individual citizen while at the same time focusing on cost-effective, innovative and ‘smart’ ways of delivering its services to citizens, e.g. urban development and maintenance. Furthermore, Aarhus is very active in relation to smart city initiatives and sees technologies such as IoT, robotics, AI, lidar and digital twins as enablers for creating a good and living city in the future with quality but cost-effective public services.

Point of contact
Søren L. Jørgensen

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