FDC is an independent Company specialised in the field of space applications and security. Based in Vincennes (France) FDC is composed of Engineers with an average of 15 years’ experience. FDC has a perfect understanding of all technical issues from the definition of the mission of space infrastructures and services to the design of application terminals and chipset. FDC is organized in two Business Units (BU):
Business & Technology Consulting: FDC has been involved in more than 130 European projects related to GNSS since 1994, coordinating successfully more than half of them. FDC performs diverse and complementary activities such as technical studies, political and strategic analysis, system specification, standardisation, user requirements and market surveys, promotion and awareness, and project management.
Research, Development and Innovation: set up a few years ago, it is currently focused on the development of a Trusted and Secured GNSS module primarily designed for ITS applications. In particular FDC led and ensured the technical coordination and the development of the TACOT project (Proof of Concept of a GNSS receiver compatible with DT requirements). More recently FDC led and ensured the technical coordination and development of the FOSTER ITS project aiming at developing a GNSS receiver module implementing anti-spoofing capabilities for ITS applications. FDC was involved the GSA funded PATROL project aiming to implement Galileo OS NMA user terminals in Digital Tachograph. In the frame of these projects, FDC developed skills to perform spoofing and jamming attacks on GNSS receivers to evaluate our algorithms resistances.
Point of contactPascal CAMPAGNE