Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) was founded in 1782 and it has been regarded as Hungary's number one technical higher education institution for nearly 240 years. Two research groups are participating from BME:

1. The main area of the Critical Systems Research Group at the Department of Measurement and Information Systems (BME-MIT) is the design, verification, and analysis of critical software systems. They bring in their experience in formal verification and testing of autonomous and AI-based systems, and various open-source simulators.

2. The Department of Automotive Technologies (BME-GJT). The professional activities of the Department of Automotive Technologies are organised into five research groups one of which is the Automated Drive Lab. The laboratory performs cutting-edge R&D activities in the whole spectrum of highly automated and autonomous road vehicles. As an academic research group, the lab connects academic and industrial competencies, education and research to catalyse the acceptance and penetration of self-driving vehicles and related technologies. Besides fundamental research, the lab is also involved in applied research: real automated vehicles and functionalities are developed continuously for credible demonstrations. The laboratory also focuses on the research related to environment perception methods based on AI or classical approaches for autonoumous driving [C+23], which is highly relevant for this proposal.

Point of contact
Micskei Zoltán Imre

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