NAVISP at European Navigation Conference 2023
Last Updated: 06/06/2023 06:55 Created at: 06/06/2023 06:55
From May 31 to June 02, the European Navigation Conference (ENC) was hosted on the premises of the European Space Agency in the Netherlands.
The aim of the ENC is to provide a platform for professionals, researchers, and industry experts to share knowledge, discuss the latest advancements, and explore emerging trends in the field of navigation and the broader Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) domain. The conference encompassed a diverse range of subjects, such as satellite navigation systems including Galileo G2, lunar navigation, alternative and supplementary positioning technologies like Leo-PNT, navigation applications, algorithms, signal processing, interference monitoring, and other relevant areas. The central theme of this year's conference centred around Resilient Navigation. The vulnerability of satellite-based positioning and timing information is widely acknowledged. To address this, resilience requires redundancy in the signal domain, both in terrestrial and space infrastructures, as well as onboard implementation. Furthermore, it requires the identification and resolution of vulnerabilities in navigation functions, data, guidance, and control.
At the ENC, ESA’s Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP) made a strong presence through a range of activities. Several NAVISP projects were showcased by well-known commercial and research actors like Fraunhofer, GMV , and Spaceopal in the exhibition area. This provided conference attendees with valuable insights into the latest research and development efforts. NAVISP also had its dedicated booth, which was shared with the NAV department. This booth served as a central hub for ESA’s NAV-related activities, creating a conducive environment for discussions, interactions, and networking. Attendees could gather detailed information about the programme and its objectives, while representatives from NAVISP were available to answer questions, provide guidance, and explore potential partnerships with interested parties. The booth acted as a catalyst for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Furthermore, additional NAVISP projects were presented and discussed during the technical sessions of the conference. These sessions included presentations, talks, and panel discussions covering a wide range of PNT topics including for example Alternative and Complementary PNT and Interference and Jamming. Project teams had the opportunity to showcase their work, share their research findings, and engage in discussions with experts and fellow researchers in the field. This facilitated valuable knowledge exchange, and feedback, and opened doors for potential collaborations among the conference participants.
By participating actively in the exhibition and presenting projects in the technical sessions, NAVISP effectively promoted its supported projects. The programme proved successful once again in facilitating collaborations and encouraging the adoption of innovative PNT technologies. These activities align with the overall objective of NAVISP, which is to drive technological innovation and enhance Europe's capabilities in the field of PNT.