076 - GNSS Integrity and Authentication Services user-Oriented Network (GIASONE)
Status: Completed
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-076
Start date: 19/10/2020
GIASONE is a GNSS integrity monitoring infrastructure able to provide a set of services to the users in order to safeguard its operational status when using GNSS. This solution can be considered the enabling technology to open the way towards a more pervasive usage of GNSS in almost all sectors, even where, its use is still considered secondary or partially applicable for safety reasons, such as, railways, maritime, road, autonomous vehicles, etc. GIASONE is able to provide a wide range of services, supporting a large variety of user needs, with, e.g., real-time info on GNSS integrity for professional and safety-critical applications, monitoring of positioning service status, signal authentication, performance statistics, data archive for investigation or scientific purposes, etc.
Prime contractor
Last Updated: 29/05/2023 06:22