016 - Echo

016 - Echo

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL3-016

Start date: 01/03/2021

Considering the increased use of satellite-based services, the impact of GNSS disruptions or performance degradation on the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations is very important. GNSS signals are vulnerable to interference, voluntary or not, and this type of threat endangers the smooth running of operations. Moreover, continuous monitoring of GNSS performances is necessary for ensuring their suitability to be used in aircraft operations, while GNSS signals collection and storage are helpful in safety investigations.

The purpose of ECHO project is to recommend minimum and mandatory requirements for implementing a GNSS performance monitoring system for all Romanian airports opened for commercial operations where ROMATSA is providing air navigation services, to evaluate the risks and to implement a pilot GNSS monitoring system deployed at seven airports in Romania. The pilot monitoring system shall be covering a variety of RF environments, including ones subject to continuous sources of non-voluntary interference, but also subject to voluntary interference such as jamming and even spoofing. Moreover, the choice of airports is such that it shall allow the performance monitoring of EGNOS over the whole Romanian territory, providing independent performance reports for all Romanian EGNOS users, not only in aviation.

Prime contractor

Romanian InSpace Engineering S.R.L.


Last Updated: 21/12/2023 06:58