096 - Cloud-based Snapshot GNSS Solution (CGNSS)

096 - Cloud-based Snapshot GNSS Solution (CGNSS)

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-096

Start date: 05/03/2021

The project aims to develop a Cloud-based Snapshot GNSS solution that provides augmented levels of sensitivity, potentially extending the use of GNSS PNT services to degraded, or even currently denied scenarios, such as urban canyons or mild indoor facilities. Within the project, Albora is developing a disruptive technology, ALCORE, based on the combination of high sensitivity techniques and advanced software solutions, that provides geolocation solutions in suwech complex environments. The versatility of the cloud-based approach allows for the transparent incorporation of state-of-the-art anti-jamming mechanisms. ALCORE makes it possible to take advantage of satellite signals that are too weak or distorted to be used by traditional systems, whereas robust interference mitigation techniques allow to cope with jamming in interference-rich scenarios and add extra robustness against signal processing cyber attacks.

Prime contractor

Albora Technologies

Name: Albora Technologies

Country: United Kingdom

Website: https://albora.io

Last Updated: 16/03/2022 09:03