110 - Integrating 5G and GNSS

110 - Integrating 5G and GNSS

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-110

Start date: 13/09/2021

The objective of this project is to develop a novel system consisting of an indoors GNSS signal manipulator and repeater that can be used in conjunction with 5G signals to provide indoors/outdoors PNT solution. For that purpose a hybrid 5G/GNSS receiver is used to navigate between the two different environments. The solution aims to provide positioning, navigation and timing in indoors environments in such a way that a smooth transition from indoors to outdoors can be accomplished using the repeated GNSS signals combined with 5G positioning signals.

Prime contractor



Country: Austria

Website: http://www.igaspin.at/


Last Updated: 21/11/2022 15:04