103 - Development of Precise Point Positioning Realtime Kinematic (PPP-RTK)

103 - Development of Precise Point Positioning Realtime Kinematic (PPP-RTK)

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-103

Start date: 06/07/2021

The goal of the product is to develop an end-to-end Precise Point Positioning-Realtime Kinematic (PPP-RTK) application with a denser reference network to achieve decimetre level user position accuracy. PPP-RTK improves convergence time for decimetre position accuracy to a minute or less from tens of minutes required in float PPP.  Rx Networks original High Accuracy Assistance Service (HAAS), now named TruePoint.IO, was developed and successfully completed with NAVISP funding as a global service with 20-centimetre horizontal position accuracy with 10-30 minute convergence time and 50-80cm accuracy with 10-20 second convergence time. The purpose of this new development is to apply the PPP-RTK concepts with regional real-time atmospheric corrections to improve user positioning performance further to meet emerging mass-market needs for higher accuracy with shorter convergence time.    

Prime contractor

RX Networks

Name: RX Networks

Country: Canada

Website: https://rxnetworks.com/


Last Updated: 16/02/2023 12:54