097 - Augmented Synchronisation for 5G using LEO Satellites (LEO-SYN+)

097 - Augmented Synchronisation for 5G using LEO Satellites (LEO-SYN+)

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-097

Start date: 06/05/2022

Duration: 27 Months

Timing and Synchronisation is a fundamental building block in 5G and GNSS systems that plays a pivotal role in the network operation. However, GNSS signals exhibit some vulnerabilities and there is an increasing need to augment them with supplementary technology to secure the required reliability and longevity. 
LEO-SYN+ project will develop a Positioning Navigation and Timing (PNT) solution using LEO satellites Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) in order to provide a resilient position and time reference for 5G networks. It is an innovative development well aligned with the market needs that enhances the robustness and reliability of GNSS solution
A prototype will be built as proof of concept and for mitigation of the LEO based PNT product development risk. Consequently, the project can be seen as a key enabler allowing us to win new business in the 5G market.

Prime contractor

Celestia Technologies Group (UK) Ltd

Last Updated: 02/06/2022 07:49