090 - Joint Navigation Radio System (JNRS)
Status: On Going
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-090
Start date: 01/04/2022
Duration: 18 Months
The main objective of JNRS project is the development of a high-performance SDR device specifically tailored for GNSS applications (e.g., simulation of GNSS signals, SDR-based GNSS receiver, monitoring, spectrum surveillance, etc.), and targeting specific technical and cost requirements that should foster its market viability.
This device is essentially made up of 2 main boards:
- JNRS-SRD, i.e., an electronic device embedding a CPU, a FPGA, a state-of-art transceiver, and a RF front-end tailored for GNSS applications;
- JNRS-DT, i.e., a daughterboard hosting a COTS GNSS receiver and a high-grade oscillator (i.e., an OCXO) for synchronization.
Last Updated: 08/03/2023 09:16