170 - Sophisticated GNSS Threats Protection - STAGER
Status: On Going
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-170
Start date: 30/11/2023
Duration: 21 Months
The objective of this proposal is to conceive, design and validate a breadboard solution capable of detecting and localizing spoofing. This part is achieved by a monitoring node referred to as SILENT node, which is a disruptive solution that does not exist in current commercial solutions, and that has only been presented in academic papers.
An additional SW tool will be developed in the frame of this activity. This application will assess the impact of both jamming and spoofing events in a given geographical area, based on the localization performed by the SILENT nodes. This tool is referred to as VAULT tool, which will rely on existing well-known RF propagation models and will include the added value of determining the degradation of the GNSS service. This feature is a disruptive technology that will involve GNSS satellites visibility and signal degradation due to the interference to determine the degradation of the GNSS positioning computed.
GMV and ENAIRE vision of this solution encompasses a network of SILENT nodes that continuously check for the presence of spoofing signals in the vicinity of its geographic area. This will extend jamming localization network currently operated by ENAIRE around Madrid airport
Last Updated: 05/02/2024 08:31