168 - Secure Authentication Server (SCANS)
Status: On Going
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-168
Start date: 13/03/2024
Duration: 24 Months
The goal of this proposal is to develop a novel product named SeCure AutheNtication Server (SCANS) that would provide the CAS encrypted snippets for the corresponding period and encryption/decryption functions in a centralized secure server. This approach would permit to simplify the CAS user terminals thus facilitating the adoption of the CAS service. Main functionalities will be:
- Galileo server-based authentication service (CAS/OSNMA) thus increasing protection against spoofing.
- Secure server to ensure availability, integrity and confidentiality of keys, key management, key store, and cryptographic operations and algorithms.
- Crypto agility to ensure long term effectiveness of the service anticipating future required cryptographic changes and facilitating the migration to post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.
- User and server privacy-preserving cryptographic scheme to ensure confidentiality.
- Common Criteria EAL2 certification to formally guarantee product security
Last Updated: 16/04/2024 08:13