080 - Miniaturised GNSS/LowRF receiver

080 - Miniaturised GNSS/LowRF receiver

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-080

Start date: 30/06/2024

Duration: 18 Months

The main objective of this project is to develop and implement a combined eLoran and GNSS receiver, and demonstrate in a number of realistic scenarios that these can be combined to provide a more robust and reliable navigation solution.

The project will be 15-18 months in duration, and will involve technology and concept research, design of the software and hardware, build, testing and an official release of a receiver prototype. This project will complement the research, development and outcomes of the eLoran antenna project; an existing project involving Roke developing a miniaturised antenna, which can be paired with the receiver.

Prime contractor


Name: Roke

Country: United Kingdom

Website: https://roke.co.uk/

Last Updated: 02/10/2024 12:58