Status: Completed
Activity Code: NAVISP-El2-029
Start date: 01/08/2019
The purpose of this project is to expand existing SDX product offer to cover arising customer needs.
SKYDEL provides GNSS testing solutions that enable engineers and scientists who design and test navigation systems to validate the performance of GNSS devices in real-world conditions from the comfort of their labs.
Many customers, in particular in Europe, have additional needs namely to support studies of signal evolutions, more realistic channel propagation models and evolutions of the technology of GNSS receivers and antennas. In this project, GMV brings its strong background in these areas in order to complement SKYDEL offer as well as an internal insight of the European signal, navigation message evolutions and European GNSS system requirements. Some of the topics to be covered in this activity include evolutions of the signals related to signal modulations, navigation message authentication and flexibility as well as interfacing with standardized propagation channel models (such as ionospheric scintillations and ITU recommendations for multipath just to mention a few). It also includes upgrade of the simulator to follow the evolution of satellite-based navigation, hybridization with other sensors (e.g. IMU) or use of civil adaptive antennas.
Last Updated: 26/01/2024 15:47