“Hypergeolocation for a better life” : In a context of digitalization of activities starting from the digitalization of the real world necessary to automatize activities, as the pioneer of the hypergeolocation, Geoflex is convinced that precision positioning is essential to meet the major societal challenges: mobility, safety, food, environment... “Being your strategic partner regarding hypergeolocation for a better efficiency of your field operations” : Geoflex provides relevant support to manufacturers wishing to create and control their hypergeolocation solution at the heart of their strategic and productive challenges by providing them a state-of-the-art technology, interoperable, sensors agnostic, that can be quickly adopted. “Underpinned by its unique in-house and state of the art Geoflex/CNES Technology, provide interoperable corrections data streams for a better positioning by satellites everywhere in the word”: Geoflex provides to its partners, based on Geoflex/CNES (French Space Agency) technology bricks, interoperable GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) augmentation data streams, optionally accompanied by development kits, enabling them, very simply and quickly, everywhere in the world, on land, at sea and in the air, in real time and post-processing, to better positioning their activities by satellite, in a more accurate, precise, reliable and continuous way, up to few centimeters, without any local infrastructure.
Point of Contactcontact@geoflex.fr