Geoloc laboratory

Geoloc laboratory

The GEOLOC laboratory started building its competency in localization by conducting research activities in Site robotics at the end of 80's. At this time, the first high-precision GPS systems had just arrived on the market and the team played a major role in the evaluation of their capacity to bring solutions to the challenges of the constrcution sites automation, thanks particulary to its testing facility SESSYL, between 1995 and 2005. After having been active on positioning techniques for road vehicles, the team, that had become GEOLOC laboratory, launched a new activity on pedestrian position and navigation methods and systems in 2012. This change completed ongoing research with new activities toward the development of ubiquituous geolocalization solutions to support travellers in their journey, in all transportation modes: motorized / soft, all surroundings: indoor / outdoor without potential breach of privacy or depedence on a potentially private or failling insfrastructe. GEOLOC research aims also at bring a step closer the objective of improving the localication and integrating applications' specificities: the needs of mobility assistance services, minimum performance localization required for the new mobility services or the observation needs to assess their impacts.

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