Next Generation GNSS Antenna

Start date: 14/04/2023 10:00

End date: 14/04/2023 11:30

Register for the Final Presentation of the NAVISP EL2 013 Project "Next Gen GNSS Antenna"

The needs of the next generation of GNSS-enabled applications, such as M2M, IoT, driverless vehicles and drone-delivery platforms, will challenge the performance of the incumbent technologies as these applications demand increasingly higher levels of positional accuracy, reliable operation in cluttered urban environments, increasing use of body-worn devices and downward pressure on the device size, weight and power (SWAP). 

Within the NAVISP EL2 013 activity, Helix Technologies therefore aimed to design and manufacture the next generation of multi-frequency/multi-constellation GNSS antennas, based on proprietary dielectrically-loaded multi-filar helix technology and optimised for use with the new GNSS waveforms, such as the Galileo E1 Alt-BOC and E5 wide-band Alt-BOC modulation schemes, in order to address and overcome these challenges.

More specifically, the NEXTGEN GNSS project sought to demonstrate that an antenna could be designed that is both electrically small (all dimensions being less than 0.07 times the carrier wavelength) and nevertheless provide sufficient gain times bandwidth to provide excellent positioning accuracy using the Galileo wide-band navigation services.

Within the Final Presentation, experts will explain the important insights that the project has learned from the validation phase and how important the antenna and wideband GNSS PRN signal combination is for the development of GNSS as a primary navigation system for autonomous vehicles operating within the multipath propagation regime of the urban cityscape. Finally, the presentation will end with a disclosure of the product marketing plans for Galileo E5a+E5b and E1 antenna products and will reflect on the ESA NAVISP collaboration as an excellent enabler for undertaking such a large-scale technology development. 

The project was carried out in the scope of NAVISP Element 2, which is devoted to supporting competitiveness of European industries.
Please check the Agenda and register for the event!