Multi-Band GNSS Antenna NEPTUNE

Start date: 22/04/2024 15:00

End date: 22/04/2024 16:30

Register for Final Presentation of the NAVISP EL2-129 Project: "NEPTUNE"

In a recent study by IoT analytics (market insights for the internet of things), they forecast that the Global IoT/IoE device count for connected devices will grow to between 18 and 50 billion by next year so there is still significant growth forecasted. The NEPTUNE project, carried out by Taoglas, aimed to develop antennas that can equip a percentage of these sensors with antenna that facilitate highly accurate GNSS tracking and device location.

In 2019, Taoglas manufactured and sold over 16 million antennas. The feedback received from Taoglas sales channels over recent years has informed the background and project objectives of the project. 

The key rationale for developing a series of high precision GNSS antennas is that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are being utilized more and more within the emerging IoT market as part of the ongoing M2M/IoT convergence. Small and cost efficient IoT sensors that can connect to central servers/platforms and share multi-modal data are increasingly incorporating location data. Precise geographic data has become a very valuable commodity. There is significant growth in the mobility market, in particular with the micro-mobility market.  

The movement towards automation, vehicles to vehicle and vehicle to network technologies which require centimetre-level tracking will require accurate multi-constellation GNSS tracking which can position vehicles in most operating environments. 

The antennas developed under the project are as follows:

  • Product 1 - Compact omni-directional GNSS multiband SMD Ceramic antenna
  • Product 2 - External Combination Antenna with Multiband GNSS Antenna Solution
  • Product 3 – Embedded Multiband GNSS with WiFi/ISM Technology 
  • Product 4 – Multiband GNSS antenna for Marine Application

The overall project has been successful, and Taoglas have achieved the initial goals of the project. 

By combining the navigation signals for multiple satellite sources, the company has proven that the positional accuracy can be very good, particularly when augmented by GNSS correction services. Using precision antennas with these correction signals Taoglas can offer centimetre level tracking and asset positioning. 

For future opportunities, Taoglas has selected 3 of these products to be further developed for release on their website. 

The NAVISP Project EL2-129 “NEPTUNE " was funded by NAVISP Element 2, which is devoted to supporting competitiveness of European industries. 

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