Workshop in Italy, Padua
Start date: 21/06/2019 10:00
End date: 21/06/2019 16:30
We are thrilled to announce that NAVISP will be presented at the University of Padua, Palazzo Bo, Aula Magna on June 21, 2019.
The preliminary agenda can be found below:
10:00 - 13:00
- Welcome and Opening (Rosario Rizzuto, Università di Padova - Roberto Marcato, Regione Veneto)
- Introduction (Alberto Tuozzi, ASI, Head of Satellite Telecommunications and Navigation Unit)
- NAVISP Programme Overview and perspectives for ESA Space19+ Ministerial Conference (Pierluigi Mancini, ESA, NAVISP Programme Manager)
Coffe break (in Basilica)
- NAVISP Implementation Status (Giorgio Solari, ESA, NAVISP Element 1 Head of Office)
- Q&A session
- Bilateral talks with ESA
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch and Networking (in Basilica)
14:30 - 16:30
Meeting ESA/ASI/CISAS/Regione Veneto
To register for the event please follow the following link
Cover image: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pierluigi Mancini (NAVISP Programme Manager) & Giorgio Solari (Head of NAVISP Element 1)
Giorgio Solari (Head of NAVISP Element 1)
Pierluigi Mancini (NAVISP Programme Manager)