On 28/02/2022 learn about the opportunities offered by the Trondheimsfjorden Test Area for autonomous ships. Please register for the NAVISP Final Presentation of EL3-005 “Trondheimsfjorden Test Area”
Start date: 28/02/2022 14:00
End date: 28/02/2022 15:30
The objective of this NAVISP project, implemented in the frame of Element 3 devoted to supporting the strategies of the participating states in the programme, has been to put in place the necessary infrastructure and develop the methods of testing and verification that have contributed to make of the Trondheimsfjorden Test Area, the world's first full scale test area for autonomous ships. This test area builds on the agreement established in 2016 between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), SINTEF Ocean (former MARINTEK), Kongsberg Seatex, Maritime Robotics, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate and the Coastal Administration. The area is publicly available and provides necessary technologies and test infrastructure for developing new innovative solutions towards more automated and autonomous shipping. Trondheimsfjorden is located in the middle of Norway, a fjord where you find the City Trondheim, the third biggest city in Norway with maritime users, maritime system providers, innovation centres, academia and research communities co-located.
During the NAVISP project, the test area has been instrumented with a variety of sensors and test infrastructure like DGNSS Reference Stations, AIS Base Station, GNSS Monitoring Station, VDES satellite equipment, Maritime Broadband Radio network, a Data Centre, and a Test Area Control Centre. For access to sensors and other maritime services in the test area, a dedicated site provides information and access to relevant data in real-time, historical data and information about previous tests in the area that can be used for planning a test and for development of new solutions and concepts.
Please follow the links to the Agenda and to the event registration.