061 - GNSS signal Transmitter Extension for scalable signal generation

061 - GNSS signal Transmitter Extension for scalable signal generation

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-061

Start date: 01/07/2020

The STX2G project aims to develop an industrial prototype of a multi-GNSS multi-frequency GNSS navigation
constellation simulator, offering the latest Galileo FOC INAV message improvements on E1B OS signal. Driven
by the increased request for security of navigation, the constellation simulator will also be enhanced with
the capability to support the coming Galileo E1B OS Navigation Message Authentication functionality, a
unique Galileo capability world-wide. Finally, as the need for cost-efficient global high-precision capability is
increasing with the rise of automated and autonomous vehicles in the coming decade, also the need to
simulate and generate Galileo E6B High Accuracy Service will be covered. With the capability to generate all

these coming Galileo signal features, this GNSS constellation simulator prototype will be beyond the state-

Prime contractor


Name: IFEN GmbH

Country: Germany

Website: https://www.ifen.com/


Last Updated: 17/02/2022 13:15