077 - SEMOR

077 - SEMOR

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-077

Start date: 23/11/2020

To set up a Worksite Protection System prototype introducing individual protection to improve workers safety and cutting delay in train traffic movements due to the limitation of the process based on current ATWS: 
•    Avoid the impact of human factor in safe decision; 
•    Introduce complete automation real time localization of operators and machines;
•    Reduce the complexity, time and cost in worksite installation and management;
•    Simplify the interaction with the ATWS and/or signalling systems.
•    Fully exploit GNSS technology. 
The listed goals shall be enabled by GNSS accurate and robust: 
•    localization of operators and machines; 
•    an intelligent central supervision System to monitor the safe positioning status of workers.

Prime contractor

Si Consulting

Name: Si Consulting

Country: Italy

Website: https://www.siconsulting.biz/



Name: RFI SpA

Country: Italy

Website: http://www.rfi.it/



Country: Czech Republic

Website: https://www.level.systems/


Last Updated: 31/10/2022 16:09