004 - Multi-System Multi-Sensor Maritime PNT Test Platform
Status: Completed
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-004
Start date: 21/02/2018
Current IMO work on guidelines for shipborne PNT data processing will define a high level framework for the processing and combination of data of multiple systems and sensors in a maritime PNT receiver.
The definition of IMO guidelines are expected to significantly progress in the course of 2017. Therefore, it is considered of paramount importance to complement this work with further studies on the combination of different sensors and systems in multi-system maritime PNT receivers in order to characterise and group the achievable performance.
The objectives of the activity are to:
- study methods and techniques for the combined use of multiple systems and sensors in maritime PNT receivers to characterise achievable classes of performance;
- implement an experimental platform for a multi-system multi-sensor maritime PNT receiver testing the combination of methods and techniques studied.
As a baseline, a subset of the sensors and the systems which are, according to IMO SOLAS Convention, mandatory for all cargo and passengers vessels (irrespective of their tonnage) are expected to be considered in possible integration schemes with (augmented) GNSS measurements.
The tasks to be performed will include:
- assessment of IMO Guidelines for Shipborne Position, Navigation and Timing Data Processing;
- assessment of RTCM SC-131 draft standard for multi-system maritime PNT receivers;
- studying, defining and trading off methods and techniques for the combination of data of multiple sensors and multiple systems for each of the parameters identified;
- development of a PNT maritime receiver test platform using different sensors and systems (based on COTS components) in order to test the performance achievable from the different data combination methods and techniques;
- identification of selected nautical tasks and relevant performance parameters to be tested;
- planning and executing experimentation campaigns for the above test cases.
The activity outcome will be instrumental to the development of resilient multi-system multi-sensor maritime PNT receivers and associated standards.
The test platform will constitute an initial tool available to ESA and industry to test future options for maritime PNT standards in still-to-be-regulated domains, such as the navigation of autonomous vessels.
Provisions will be taken so that results and/or test equipment can also be made available for follow-on R&D activities of EC/EUSPA.

Last Updated: 10/02/2023 10:55