060 - Novel Privacy Preserving PNT Processing Techniques (VALLE)

060 - Novel Privacy Preserving PNT Processing Techniques (VALLE)

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-060

Start date: 23/03/2023

Duration: 15 Months

The main objective of (VALLE) is to develop an innovative Privacy Preserving PNT concept that explore the possibilities and capabilities of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies, validating their functionalities but also non-functional aspects such as resilience and robustness by a dedicated red team analysis.

The main goal of this project can be summarized as follows:
• To identify, define and consolidate a set of use cases for privacy-preserving positioning solutions and/or services based on sharing and processing user PNT data.
• To define and develop multiple privacy preserving PNT processing concepts based on the sharing and processing of different types of users PNT data.
• To design and develop a flexible concept demonstrator for verifying and validating the proposed privacy preserving PNT processing concepts, and for benchmarking (processing time and resource usage, latency, robustness)

Prime contractor


Name: GMV GmbH

Country: Germany

Website: https://www.gmv.com


GMV Innovating Solutions S.R.L.

Name: GMV Innovating Solutions S.R.L.

Country: Romania

Website: https://www.gmv.com

Last Updated: 11/01/2024 16:52