151 - Miniaturized Power Effective SBAS C-Band LNA

151 - Miniaturized Power Effective SBAS C-Band LNA

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-151

Start date: 21/03/2023

Duration: 16 Months

The activity is a development of a space segment compact C-Band LNA for use in Geostationary and Non-Geostationary Orbits. Its primary target is SBAS applications, but the Product will be capable to cover the full C-Band.
The key function of the unit is to receive a signal at Uplink C-Band to feed the signal into the C-to L-Band downconverter for L-Band signal processing. Typical input signals are C1, C5 and C5b, which when translated to L-Band are the respective L1, L5 and E5b signals.
The Product shall also be modular, such that the elements can be used for similar products and applications.

Prime contractor

Konsberg Space Electronics

Last Updated: 16/06/2023 08:43