031 - National GNSS Knowledge Center
Status: On Going
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL3-031
Start date: 26/09/2023
Duration: 12 Months
Following the Dutch studies on GNSS vulnerabilities IKUS-I and IKUS-II, it was found that GNSS knowledge within organizations from the Dutch Critical Infrastructure sectors requires to be deepened and distributed. To protect Critical Infrastructure during their operations, there is a clear need to be aware of what GNSS is, what the dependencies including the risks are for an organisation and how they can improve their resilience.
The National GNSS Knowledge Centre is the collective noun for this project. The goal of this project is to provide general understanding of GNSS, raise awareness regarding potential GNSS vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies and to gain experience with interference monitoring. These goals will be realized by establishing the National GNSS Knowledge Portal, performing a GNSS Monitoring Study with various monitoring stations and optionally a GNSS Real-time Monitoring campaign with a dedicated monitoring system.
The project will be conducted by the GNSS Centre of Excellence (CoE), currently a cooperation by CGI Netherlands, Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), and S[&]T. The objective of the GNSS CoE is to promote the proper use of GNSS technology in critical application, both from a safety and economic point of view.
Name: Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) National Aerospace Laboratory
Country: Netherlands
Website: https://www.nlr.org/space/
Last Updated: 24/10/2023 08:03