S&T Science & Technology B.V

S[&]T is a privately owned R&D-company conducting high-tech projects, services and consultancy. S[&]T started in 2000 and has grown to a diverse group of approximately 125 professionals of which over 90% hold a PhD or MSc degree in aerospace engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics or physics. S[&]T has offices in the Netherlands (Delft), Norway (Oslo) and a representative office in Italy (Rome), with Delft, NL acting as Head Quarter. Topics of work include “sensing and control”, “scientific data processing”, “data science”, and “decision support systems”. Most of the developments at S[&]T include the processing of (space-based) sensor data, including GNSS signal processing, sensor fusion, EO atmospheric data processing, and AI and Machine Learning with sensor data.
Point of contact: kirsten.drost@stcorp.nl