026 - RIPTIDE Phase 2: Resilient PNT for the Black Sea and Danube region – Demonstrator

026 - RIPTIDE Phase 2: Resilient PNT for the Black Sea and Danube region – Demonstrator

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL3-026

Start date: 12/02/2023

Duration: 18 Months

The main aim of RIPTIDE_PHASE_2 follows the strategic view identified in the first RIPTIDE project and targets the continuation of the development of a resilient PNT solution dedicated to the particularities of the Black Sea and Danube Lower Basin region, to cover a national need of resilient PNT tailored to address a sensitive region of Romania and of the EU.
It therefore aims at achieving the following specific objectives:
◼ Review and consolidate the requirements for the resilient solution
◼ Propose an architecture for the solution, define and consolidate the system design
◼ Perform an iterative assessment of the alignment and implications to the regulatory and standardization aspects and also identify the alignment to the current operational environment
◼ Implement the part of the system responsible for monitoring of events of interest to ensure awareness at authority and user level.
◼ Implement the part of the system responsible for ensuring the protection of users.
◼ Perform laboratory and field testing in the Black Sea to assess the performance of the solution
◼ Evaluate the technology readiness and update the operational roadmap
◼ Evaluate in a transversal way the applicability in other domains for the solution
◼ Continuous awareness raising process amongst national stakeholders and planning of the future steps

Prime contractor

GMV Innovating Solutions S.R.L.

Name: GMV Innovating Solutions S.R.L.

Country: Romania

Website: https://www.gmv.com

Last Updated: 27/10/2023 07:13