074 - Assessment of authentication and encryption techniques on high-performance time-transfer over optical fibre

074 - Assessment of authentication and encryption techniques on high-performance time-transfer over optical fibre

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-074

Start date: 05/12/2023

Duration: 24 Months

The objective of ACTOR (AuthentiCation Techniques for Optical time-transfeR) is to design, develop, manufacture and validate an authentication method for high-accuracy time transfer techniques over optical fibre, without a major loss of accuracy. The system is composed of a master and a slave demonstrator unit, each including software (SW)/protocol allowing authentication and integrity protection for the WR PTP (White Rabbit Precision Time Protocol). To demonstrate timing and security performances, the system will be tested with an optical fibre link of at least 50 km between the master and slave nodes.

Prime contractor


Name: GMV NSL Ltd

Country: United Kingdom

Website: https://www.gmv.com/en-es


Last Updated: 02/10/2024 12:59