059 - Application of photonics technology for PNT user equipment
Status: On Going
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-059
Start date: 30/11/2023
Duration: 18 Months
The principal aim of this project is to explore the applicability of today optics and photonic technologies to GNSS receivers. It is not always straightforward to understand which part of an electronic system may be conveniently replaced by its “photonic” counterpart, with clear advantages in terms of performance, integration density, power consumption, weight, EM immunity and reliability.
In this sense, “the exploration” that will be performed within the activity will be performed as a structured investigation moving from the survey of requirements of real case scenarios and today available optical techniques applicable to a GNSS receiver, and then up to the manufacturing and characterization of a demonstrator – which will have the functions and shape of a prototype.
Name: TeCIP Institute of Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Country: Italy
Website: https://www.santannapisa.it/en
Name: Thales Alenia Space Italy
Country: Italy
Website: https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/global/activities/space
Last Updated: 19/12/2023 15:01