160 - SPH-GNSS-FE-ASIC-2023 – GNSS Multi Channel Front-End ASIC

160 - SPH-GNSS-FE-ASIC-2023 – GNSS Multi Channel Front-End ASIC

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-160

Start date: 15/12/2023

Duration: 24 Months

The scope of the project is the design  of an IC integrated circuit (single die) that implements the front-end receiver section of GNSS multi-band signal receiver space-born platforms. The frontend receiver includes all the circuits from the antenna to the ADC output and provides the digitalised output to the GNSS units base-band processors or SW receivers.

The target applications are all GNSS application where multifrequency reception is the key requirement, allowing the implementation of multichannel receivers with 1 single chip for the RF front-end section reducing power consumption, cost and size.

Prime contractor



Country: Switzerland

Website: http://www.saphyrion.ch/

Last Updated: 27/06/2024 07:45