093 - Enabling PPP ambiguity resolution in satellite and terrestrial frequency-varying carrierphase signals
Status: On Going
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-093
Start date: 13/09/2024
Duration: 18 Months
The EPIC aims to address to develop algorithms and a SW simulator for combined usage of GNSS, LEO-PNT and 5G terrestrial transmitters to achieve high precision PPP-IAR solutions even in urban environments.
The drivers for this activity are:
▪ Usage of alternative-PNT (LEO-PNT, 5G) means, in case GNSS is partially or fully not available ▪ Usage of additional-PNT (LEO-PNT, 5G) means on top of GNSS, in signal adverse environments like urban canyons
In both cases the target is to achieve fast, precise and reliable PPP integer ambiguity fixing based high precision PVT, beyond the current state-of-the art with GNSS only.
As the LEO-PNT and 5G systems are strongly relying on transmitter-dependent (varying) wave-lengths signals (compared to fixed wavelength CDMA GNSS signals), enabling usage of these varying-frequency carrier phase measurements in PPP-IAR solutions requires basic research activity. Demonstrating successful usage would strongly enhance the LEO-PNT and 5G based navigation business case.
The objective of this activity is to achieve a TRL 3 level, primarily based on a ‘Proof-of-Concept’ end-to-end simulation approach. Therefore, main objectives of the activity are:
▪ Definition of concept and algorithms for using satellite (GNSS, LEO, 5G-NTN) and terrestrial (5G) carrier-phase measurements systems with transmitter-dependent (varying) wave-lengths, with the objective to use them for PPP-IAR positioning in an integrated manner.
▪ Architecture design, implementation, integration and test of algorithm prototypes in software to achieve an end-to-end proof-of-concept demonstrator software
▪ Analysis of achievable performance mainly with synthetic measurements, but also real measurements, as far as available
Last Updated: 18/09/2024 06:39