016 - BB-PROC

016 - BB-PROC

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-El2-016

Start date: 27/07/2018

The main objective of the activity is to design and develop a prototype of a GNSS sensor that will support automotive applications. Our strategy is to develop such device in the form of a “software radio” design that can be configured to allow its implementation in COTS system-on-a chip devices. This device is aimed to support multiple GNSS constellation with a multi-frequency capability.

The test of the device will come with a golden model proving the validity of the implementation. The model will be fed with real-life Record done with the help of GNSS Simulator StellaNGC-RP® Tool that is today widely used the automotive industry.

The other objective of the activity is to tackle the industrial challenge to at the same time, reach a significant level of performance, and to produce such sensors at low cost. The industrialization phase is outside of the scope of the project; the idea is to prepare this phase in parallel to the developments. 

The outcome of the activity will consist of the prototype implemented on a FPGA board (Hardware and Software) and the associated documentation. 

Prime contractor

M3 Systems

Name: M3 Systems

Country: France

Website: http://m3systems.net/


Last Updated: 10/11/2022 08:01