046 - "Help me in Distress” Mobile App for saving lives and monitoring hazards

046 - "Help me in Distress” Mobile App for saving lives and monitoring hazards

Status: Completed

Activity Code: NAVISP-El2-046

Start date: 02/09/2019

The goal of the Help me in Distress project is to create a mobile application and web-based management panel that will allow to report, monitor and respond to crises in order to save the lives and health of the victims, ensure public safety and coordinate responses with the notifications. The product will consist of two parts: a mobile application (Android and iOS), and a web client (management panel), accessible through an internet browser. Help calls will collect information such as coordinates obtained from the Galileo satellite system. Help me in Distress project will also provide a Reporting module which will allow to gather and present statistic data that could be used by organizations or scientists for carrying out various analyses. Within the project, some external interfaces will be created.

Prime contractor

ITTI sp. z o.o.

Name: ITTI sp. z o.o.

Country: Poland

Website: http://www.itti.com.pl


Last Updated: 21/02/2022 10:08