London Economics

London Economics

London Economics (LE) is a leading independent European economic consultancy, with a dedicated team of professional economists specialised in the space sector and wide-ranging experience of the economics of the GNSS market. Our space division has completed more than 70 projects over the last decade, for a wide range of clients, with a central focus on GNSS (40 projects). As a team, we have been pioneering innovative analytical techniques to provide trusted economic advice to decision-makers across the space industry, space agencies and international governments since 2008. We cover market analysis, monitoring and forecasting, technology monitoring, user requirements analysis, and economic analyses including cost-benefit analysis and impact assessment of Galileo’s first and second generations. We have been the prime economic advisor to the Market Development Department of the EUSPA since 2009, including content production for all editions of the EUSPA GNSS Market Report.

Point of Contact
Rasmus Flytkjaer

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