020 - Integrated Navigation System-of-Systems PNT Integrity for Resilience
Status: Completed
Activity Code: NAVISP-EL3-020
Start date: 07/01/2022
The following specific objectives have been identified for the INSPIRe project:
Investigate, develop and bench-test techniques and algorithms for autonomous user-level integrity monitoring, based on:
◾Dual-frequency multi-constellation GNSS
◾EGNOS (as a source of error characterisation of GNSS)
◾Dead Reckoning systems (inertial)
Investigate, develop and bench-test equipment for:
◾Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) availability prediction
◾Terrestrial monitoring of system-level integrity
Investigate, develop and build a prototype for EGNOS performance monitoring
◾Required for service assurance in absence of UK access to EGNOS Safety-of-Life (SoL) service
Investigate the feasibility, provide a functional design, and define development and exploitation plans for an e-Navigation service to providesupplementary integrity data to vessels considering:
◾GNSS terrestrial integrity monitoring
◾Crowd sourced data from maritime users
◾Potential expansion to other user sectors
While the activity focus is on current sources of PNT data and the maritime domain, the objective is to elaborate solutions that will be capable of expansion to incorporate newdata sources and exploitation by other domains.
Prime contractor


Last Updated: 26/06/2024 09:22