Positioning and guidance box for autonomous robots

Start date: 03/07/2023 09:00

End date: 03/07/2023 10:30

Register for the Final Presentation of the NAVISP EL2 088 Project: "AGC Box - Positioning and guidance box for autonomous robots"

Agreenculture presents the AGCbox, a positioning and guiding solution for autonomous ground vehicles. This device combines hardware and software, each entirely developed by Agreenculture to address agricultural needs. Through a proprietary RTK algorithm, the AGCbox offers a centimetric and safe precision system in outdoor environments. The project aimed to validate the functionalities and certify the positioning and guiding AGCbox as an industrial product, thus increasing its maturity and TRL. Thanks to the project, the time-to-market of Agreenculture’s technology has been reduced.

The AGCbox supervises and secures the execution of tasks and transforms the machines to make them autonomous and communicating. It includes in particular the Safencing© functionality, which is a geofencing system based on an exclusively GNSS technology developed by Agreenculture. The AGCbox guides the robot and calculates the best trajectory while avoiding obstacles. This real-time calculation adapts itself to the complex realities of the field. The robot is always at hand from a smartphone or tablet thanks to LoRa and 4G. Also, the box complies with the CANopen industrial standard. Equipped with three CAN buses, it can easily interface with common agricultural machines and tools.
By combining a world-first ASIL B-certified GNSS receiver and the computing power of a PC, the AGCbox meets all the needs related to the robotisation of off-road machines:

  • Implement work guaranteed with centimetric precision
  • Safe outdoor guidance
  • Exchanges ensured via all certified channels: CAN, Wifi, Bluetooth LE, 4G, LoRa

The presentation will feature a global overview of Agreenculture: its purpose, values, and ambition. Then, we will focus on the main stakes involved in this Navisp project and how this experience helped us grow and reach new milestones. Finally, we will end up by highlighting the new perspectives that are now ahead of us.
The project was carried out in the scope of NAVISP Element 2, which is devoted to supporting competitiveness of European industries.

Please check the Agenda and register for the event!