Advanced VDES-R User Technologies for Alternative PNT

Start date: 30/05/2024 15:00

End date: 30/05/2024 16:30

Register for Final Presentation of the NAVISP EL1-057bis Project: " Development of Advanced VDES-R User Technologies for Alternative PNT (ADVENT) "

The maritime VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) is being considered as a source of alternative PNT for maritime by using its ranging capability, known as VDES-R. The ADVENT activity objective was to investigate and prove the concepts of novel user segment VDES technologies to enhance key performance figures of positioning e.g. such as accuracy, integrity and security, and complement ongoing VDES investigations to improve APNT capabilities for relevant maritime use cases. 

To deliver upon this objective, ADVENT proposed, analysed, and simulated in depth implementations for both terrestrial and satellite services. System trade-offs covered signal bandwidth, signal content, system capacity used for ranging and the geometry provided by the terrestrial stations and satellite constellation. This led to a baseline system design used in the development of a system simulator and a testbed deployed in a maritime field trial. The objective of the simulator and field trial system was to evaluate the PNT performance of the VDES-R.

The project was delivered by GMV NSL Ltd (acting as prime contractor) with the support of RHEATECH Ltd. (RHEA), United Kingdom, and GMV Innovating Solutions S.R.L. (GMV-ROM), Romania, acting as subcontractors.   

The NAVISP Project EL1-057bis was funded by NAVISP Element 1, which is dedicated to technology innovation of the European industry in the wide PNT sector.

Please check the Agenda and register for the event!