057 - Development of advanced VDES-R user technologies for alternative PNT

057 - Development of advanced VDES-R user technologies for alternative PNT

Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL1-057

Start date: 01/09/2022

Duration: 18 Months

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become the primary marine aid-to-navigation and source of Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) information. Yet, all GNSS are vulnerable to natural interference, deliberate and accidental jamming and spoofing. Trials have demonstrated that degraded GNSS produce hazardously misleading information and erroneous vessel positions without an alarm being raised. As ships’ systems become increasingly digital, with the introduction of a wide range of supporting services and the emergence of autonomous vessels, PNT accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability become increasingly critical. 

A System-of-Systems approach to PNT resilience is now widely accepted; such an approach requires that systems other than GNSS be utilised to provide resiliency.  One such system is the Very High Frequency Data Exchange System (VDES).  VDES is a new maritime radio communication system being developed by the international maritime community, whilst at the same time investigating the potential use of these VDES communication signals transmitted from shore-based stations for positioning—a concept commonly referred to as ‘ranging mode’, or R-Mode.

VDES R-Mode is still at a relatively low Technology Readiness Level and much of the standardisation required for such System-of-Systems components are not yet in place, giving developers the opportunity to develop better waveforms, techniques, components and concepts to provide truly resilient PNT.

In this NAVISP-EL1 project, Telespazio UK will work with Kongsberg Seatex to further develop advanced VDES-R user technologies for alternative PNT.  The “VDES-R Advanced User Technologies for Alternative PNT” (VAUTAP) project will investigate, consolidate and develop new algorithms, waveforms, software and hardware, to evolve VDES R-Mode closer to an operational and viable component of a resilient PNT System-of-Systems. 

VAUTAP will identify relevant use cases and scenarios and produce breadboards implementing the proof-of-concept of VDES-R user technologies.  Results from field trials (demonstration and benchmarking) will be shared, in addition to recommendations and roadmaps for follow-on activities.

Prime contractor

Telespazio UK Ltd (TPZ UK)

Name: Telespazio UK Ltd (TPZ UK)

Country: United Kingdom

Website: https://telespazio.co.uk


Last Updated: 20/09/2022 08:29