GNSS Vulnerability & Mitigation in Czech Republic

Start date: 04/05/2023 10:00

End date: 04/05/2023 11:30

Register for the Final Presentation of the NAVISP EL3 003 Project "GNSS Vulnerability & Mitigation in Czech Republic"

The main objective of NAVISP EL3-003 was to support Czech and Slovak activities related to the GNSS vulnerability with the focus especially on the national critical infrastructure. The project addressed particularly the threat of intentional GNSS interference caused deliberately by jammers. The use of these devices not only seriously endangers GNSS-based systems but is also illegal. The project involved direct engagement with CI operators from multiple sectors such as Aviation, Railway and Road, Energy, and Inland waterway.

In order to monitor the threat of GNSS Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), 6 monitoring campaigns in the proximity of critical infrastructure were conducted. Various GNSS RFI detectors were used for monitoring. The long-term monitoring campaigns were carried out at Czech airports, on the D1 and R1 motorways, at a lock on the Elbe River, and at one of the nodes of the Czech Electricity Transmission System.

Furthermore, 5 testing campaigns evaluating the resilience of selected critical infrastructure systems were conducted in sectors of Aviation, Inland waterway transport, Rail transport, and Communication and Information networks. Conducted testing campaigns provided critical infrastructure operators with valuable data on the resiliency of their systems and were in many cases a priceless first-hand and safe experience with the impact of GNSS RFI.

Based on the knowledge acquired throughout the project, a total of 18 recommendations to increase resilience were formulated. 9 for critical infrastructure operators and 9 for state bodies. The results of the project were prepared in cooperation and with the support of Ministry of Transport of Czech Republic and National Cyber and Information Security Agency.

The project was developed in the scope of ESA NAVISP Element 3, which is dedicated to supporting national PNT strategies, by a consortium containing GNSS Centre of Excellence as prime contractor and the Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications and Huld s.r.o. as subcontractors.

To find out more about the scope of the GNSS RFI, resilience of tested CI systems and recommendations to increase it, please check the Agenda and register for the event!