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Open Opportunities

107 - Ultra high spatial resolution GNSS receiver for automotive industry

The ability of exploiting the spatial dimensions has allowed array antennas to be exploited in various applications. Over the past years, array antennas have been deployed in GNSS receivers either to provide a spatial filter or to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using beamforming techniques.  To achieve a high spatial resolution, a large array antenna aperture should be used. The…

106 - Beamforming user antenna for wideband radionavigation signals in C-band​

The rapid increase in GNSS RFI (e.g., in Baltic and Scandinavian peninsula there were 122 days with GPS jamming in 2022, and 294 days in 2023) is staggering. Accordingly, in recent years, beamforming techniques have been deployed in GNSS receivers (in the L-band) either to provide a spatial filter or to improve the signal-to-noise-power (CN0) level.   Beamforming techniques can achieve a…

105 - Hybrid black-white-modelling estimation and machine learning algorithms for PNT engines

The application of machine learning (based on “black-box” modelling) is of interest in problems that are difficult to solve based on traditional (optimal) estimators for simple models (“white-box” modelling). Black-box modelling is difficult to be explained and understood (i.e., difficult to understand what to expect in unknown or new situations), involve high computation complexity, and…

104 - AI for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Sensor PNT

There is currently considerable research effort being devoted to the development of multi-sensor PNT approaches which promise greater resilience and potentially greater accuracy than GNSS alone. New sensors are also being developed which have less well understood characteristics and vulnerabilities. These include quantum inertial sensors and quantum gravimeters and magnetometers. For such complex…

103 - Precise and Stable Navigation with Quantum Accelerometer

Navigation systems that rely on Inertial Sensors are prone to drift and inaccuracies over time, affecting their accuracy, reliability, and autonomy, particularly in challenging scenarios where GNSS signals and/or external reference points availability is limited or strongly impacted. Quantum accelerometers enable high-precision navigation with long autonomy, effective fault detection in case of…

102 - Quantum receiver for navigation applications

Recently, a wide range of experimental quantum techniques have been demonstrated in communications and sensing fields. Atom-based quantum techniques are emerging as a completely new and promising tool for advanced communications. Accurate radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic field sensing in free-space plays a fundamental role in wireless communication, and Rydberg atoms are remarkable quantum…

101 - Underwater and underground navigation using Muons

When cosmic rays reach the upper part of the Earth’s atmosphere, several particles are created, including muons. Muons, elementary particles with the same charge of the electron but with bigger mass, can travel through any kind of material, including water and rock. A muon detector can be very small and very low cost (~ $100). Muons can be used for navigation using Reference Detectors (to…

099 - Location, Tracking and Salvage support of lost shipping containers at sea

Each year 226 Million container boxes are shipped. About 1600 boxes/year (0,002%) are lost at sea. The boxes are afloat for days to weeks before they are sinking & grounding. The reasons can be traced to top-heavy container stacks (unstable), increasing bad weather (storms) by climate change and time pressure on ship crews (higher on the supply-chains after COVID). The number of boxes lost at sea…

098 - Metrics to Assess the Performance of GNSS Authentication Schemes

All 2nd Generation GNSSs are making use of Authentication (civil signal anti-spoofing). The potential spoofing attack vectors are known: Meaconing, record and replay, fake signal generation. Different Authentication schemes (system level) will be used and applied as countermeasures in addition to user related measures. However, a gap exists in the evaluation methodology of the robustness…

097 - Use of ML techniques to optimize the adaptive beam-steering capabilities of CRPAs for GNSS user receivers

Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas (CRPAs) in GNSS receivers are known as a fundamental resource for jamming and spoofing counteraction; they are excellent for multipath mitigation too as well as NLOS signals exclusion. CRPAs in L-band impose arrays with significant dimensions (more than four antenna elements quickly reaching square-meter areas). Further improvements can be obtained if a more…