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Start date: 31/01/2024Duration: 24 MonthsOptical atomic clocks offer the potential for a new era of timekeeping, with laboratory systems at the world’s leading NMIs already demonstrating 100x improvements in accuracy compared with the microwave fountain clocks that offer the best realisations of the SIsecond. Enhanced PNT systems with these next-generation clock technologies could facilitate GNSS constellations with significantly-…
Prime contractor
Start date: 25/01/2024Duration: 18 MonthsIndustrial players face significant difficulties in assessing the vulnerability of their GNSS solutions against interference threats. They are unable to make informed decisions to protect themselves against the feared risks. The effects vary considerably from one type of jamming to another, and from one GNSS receiver to another. As far as spoofing attacks are concerned, countermeasure devices are…
Start date: 15/01/2024Duration: 22 MonthsRelative navigation technologies are crucial for advanced space missions. In the NewSpace market, there are two key trends that are revolutionising spaceflight: Distributed Space Systems (DSS) and In-Space Logistics. Determining the relative states between satellite vehicles is fundamental in S/C formation flying and rendezvous. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can provide…
Prime contractor
WISDOM (Wise Integration of Satellites PNT tracking Data using OWL for collision avoidance Management) is providing the necessary technologies for collision avoidance, including positioning, tracking, inter-satellite communication, and autonomous decision-making capabilities in the absence of human intervention. The project will demonstrate it in orbit with a 6U satellite that separates into two…
Start date: 01/01/2024Duration: 12 MonthsIn the LEO project the next generation of modulators integrated on a silicon nitride platform will be realized. We will use the technique of micro-transferprinting to integrate lithium niobate on top of silicon nitride waveguides. This back-end integration allows for being compatible with wafer scale processing in CMOS fabs. The modulators are targeting bandwidths beyond 100 Ghz
Start date: 31/12/2023Duration: 18 MonthsFirst time development of an on-board autonomous digital beamforming of multiple beams for small/compact new space payloads, with medium/large number of channels supported. The innovation also relies on the number of channels, dynamic beamforming, low power. The activity will review the digital beamforming requirements for GNSS-R and Radio Occultation payloads, define a digital processor…
Start date: 15/12/2023Duration: 24 MonthsIn the last years there has been a growing interest in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations to provide telecommunication and navigation PNT services, both from commercial and governmental entities. ESA’s LEO PNT constellation proposes an augmented-PNT service compared to the classical MEO or GEO satellites in current GNSS systems. In this context, GMV proposes the development of an Engineering…
Start date: 15/12/2023Duration: 24 MonthsThe scope of the project is the design of an IC integrated circuit (single die) that implements the front-end receiver section of GNSS multi-band signal receiver space-born platforms. The frontend receiver includes all the circuits from the antenna to the ADC output and provides the digitalised output to the GNSS units base-band processors or SW receivers. The target applications are all GNSS…
Start date: 15/12/2023Duration: 12 MonthsAlbora's product is a cloud solution that provides low-power receivers with high-precision positioning from GNSS observables. This is a one-of-a-kind system where snapshots of GNSS observable samples are transmitted from a receiver to a cloud server for processing. The device only needs to provide certain GNSS observables and have connectivity to the internet. Our technology enables…
This project will deliver a system upgrade to the THERE Maps, a smart mapping, addressing and navigation system, developed during the NAVISP EL2-148 project DNA. The project will add enterprise management and user privacy features to the existing prototype, as well as develop accompanying APIs to enable system integration with 3rd party enterprise systems for patient appointments and delivery…