Start date: 19/05/2021Date of Completion: 21/05/2021Position uncertainty during autonomous manoeuvres such as orbit-raising/de-orbiting requires that the local knowledge during low thrust (i.e. with electric propulsion) is accurately determined. Current orbit-raising assumes semi-autonomous control assisted by GNSS, with a long time integral to measure increasing altitude and trajectory of the satellite. The use of a hybrid GNSS unit that…
Prime contractor
Start date: 18/01/2018The use of GNSS observations from reference stations for the derivation of Integrated Water Vapour and assimilated into Numerical Weather Prediction Models has been demonstrated and is in use for weather prediction. With the emergence of multi-constellation and multi-frequency GNSS the possibilities of weather prediction with GNSS are increasing dramatically. Furthermore, with the emergence of…
Prime contractor
Name: National Land Survey of Finland, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
Country: Finland
Start date: 15/01/2018GNSS antennas in user receiver devices are relatively simple. More sophisticated antennas could be designed to bring spatial diversity and gain, and to be more resistant against spoofing and meaconing, as well as reducing other sources of interference, for instance by nulling the gain of the antenna in this direction. Using arrays of dynamic elements (phase/gain controlled) would also make it…
Prime contractor
Start date: 27/07/2018The main objective of the activity is to design and develop a prototype of a GNSS sensor that will support automotive applications. Our strategy is to develop such device in the form of a “software radio” design that can be configured to allow its implementation in COTS system-on-a chip devices. This device is aimed to support multiple GNSS constellation with a multi-frequency…
Start date: 09/07/2018To find a presentation summarizing the now completed activity, click here. To find the abstract, click here. The DRACONAV project developed an industrial version of a secure GNSS module able to detect GNSS signal spoofing, replay and jamming attacks and provide an estimated PVT (Dead Reckoning) when an attack is detected. The module integrates in a unique casing a multi-constellation GNSS…
Start date: 03/09/2018Satellites flying in LEO are relying more and more on Precise Orbit Determination (POD) through GNSS and in particular the computation of real time on-board POD with accuracy at centimetre level. Receivers for in-orbit demonstration of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) currently under development under NAVISP (NAVISP-EL1-009: ‘Space GNSS Receiver for Un-Orbit Demonstration of PPP’) and the…
Start date: 09/11/2018GEONAV is a THALES innovative IoT solution, allowing real-time Indoor/Outdoor precise (<1m) tracking at PNT and User Ground Segments level and available worldwide. GEONAV positioning algorithms take advantage of two existing positioning technologies that have already proven themselves: E-GNSS (European Global Navigation Satellite System) and Ultra-Wide Band (UWB). In order to expand GEONAV…
Name: Nexter Electronics
Country: France
Website: http://www.nexter-group.fr/fr/filiales/nexter-electronics
Start date: 11/02/2019The exploitation of quantum physics has already enabled revolutionary technical applications and industries of enormous economic scale. The semiconductor industry alone is currently a €500 billion market, giving rise to industries on an even larger scale (smartphones, computing, software, etc.). Quantum physics is now again set to radically change several industries, including communications,…
Name: LP2N laboratory within Institut d'optique théorique et appliquée (IOTA)
Country: France
Website: http://www.lp2n.institutoptique.fr
Start date: 15/06/2020Critical applications such as autonomous vehicles and machine control require high fidelity raw measurements in challenging environments. In spite of significant progress made in recent years, for those applications GNSS performance remains unsatisfactory in terms of reliability in challenging environments, therefore requiring improvement. The main challenges lie in handling transfer functions…
Prime contractor
Start date: 09/02/2021The AGCbox uses an internally developed RTK algorithm for a centimetric and safe precision in agricultural environments. Using the integrity of the position, the Geofencing of robots is made possible. The robot stops if there is a doubt on its position. Integrity is a key element for a precise weeding without harming neither the crops nor people outside the outline. It is mainly a user-friendly…