Start date: 05/11/2018The objective of the activity is to study GNSS carrier phase integrity techniques for application in railway safety of life applications, and in particular, the evolution of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) with virtual balise detection using GNSS. Carrier phase positioning can achieve a significantly better performance than code-based positioning; however, to date there are no…
Start date: 07/01/2019Autonomous driving is seen by many as a coming technology disruption that will have profound impacts on industry, society and the economy. One of the great hopes of autonomous driving proponents is the realisation of huge safety improvements. According to the World Health Organization, road accidents account for 3,400 deaths every day around the world. This is more deaths than those caused, for…
Start date: 09/01/2019The activity is now completed. To find a copy of the project abstract with the main conclusions and recommendations, click here. The MarRINav (Maritime Resilience and Integrity of Navigation) project proposes activities in the UK national interest to lay the foundations for the UK’s future CNI for maritime and wider sectors in respect of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) resilience and…
Start date: 04/11/2019Until recently, RTK and PPP technologies have been developed for professional applications, the price not being affordable for mass-market users. Over the last couple of years, however, impressive breakthroughs have been witnessed for mass-market applications. While multi-band GNSS will provide an improved user experience in many consumer settings, the solution alone cannot deliver sufficiently…
Start date: 03/12/2019The exploitation of GNSS time as a reference source for timing and synchronisation processes is becoming fundamental for critical infrastructures like telecommunication networks, energy distribution grids, financial markets, and commercial aviation systems and networks. In the case of commercial aviation, GNSS time is used for: Positioning and timing for on-board navigation…
Prime contractor
Start date: 09/01/2020GPS has been used in space for more than 20 years and currently it is consistently used in LEO orbit satellites in order to provide position, velocity and time information. Extension of its use to higher altitude missions has been the subject of multiple studies, GEO and GTO orbits currently exploit GNSS signals and the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has recently demonstrated that…
Start date: 31/03/2020With the aid of co-funding from a previous NAVISP program, Cobham have started the research and development of a GNSS signal protection system using beamforming techniques implemented on a software define digital signal processing board. This previous activity, ‘Project VANTIGE’, has resulted in a number of study reports documenting the best implementation of such a system. Additionally, a…
Start date: 07/04/2021Current GEO and GTO missions already exploit GNSS signals for in-orbit PNT. NASA’s MMS mission has recently demonstrated that tracking of GPS signals is possible up to 150,000 km from Earth surface (half-way the distance to the Moon). The feasibility of extending the use of GNSS for missions to the Moon has also preliminarily been assessed by ESA via GSP. These preliminary studies have…
Start date: 03/05/2021The need for a robust Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) system to complement or back up GNSS in critical infrastructure/critical applications is widely acknowledged. This translates into actions taken by stakeholders to further raise awareness (e.g. radio navigation plans in the US and Europe) and for some, pave the way towards some deployment (e.g. recent Request for Information initiated by…
Start date: 23/06/2021Funded under NAVISP Element 2, the headline goal of this 11-month project is to demonstrate a proof-of-concept implementation of a hybrid 5G/GNSS-based positioning system. The project will research, develop and draft the preliminary architecture definition, use cases and requirements for the eventual end-to-end system drawing upon the relevant expertise across the consortium. Once concluded the…
Prime contractor